Friday, May 13, 2016

I'm leaving today! (ok..tomorrow)

Everything is all set to go, I had planned on getting a ride out to Harper's Ferry tonight, but my ride wanted to postpone until tomorrow morning which is fine with me. One nice thing about being on the trail will be the near complete lack of schedules. About all I have left to do is cut my hair and shave my beard.

So I guess this is my first real official type post. Welcome to the blog, I don't have any real plans for it yet. I'm thinking I will keep it spammy and boring with daily updates on position and stupid details that will come in handy for me later, like the amount of water consumed. We will see how that plan works out after a long days walk.

I'm doing this hike as a kind of midlife crisis, Jamie, my friend since cross country in high school is using it as a fundraiser for Extra life. Which is a charity normally about playing video games to give money to  children's hospitals. This time it is about walking really far, which is less good than video games. You can pledge money by the mile for his hike at:

You can see his blog at:

I think there is a way to just give his Extra Life team money, but I can't find it right now. Pledging by the mile is lame. Just take my money now, don't make me wait 4 months to take it!

Normally I wouldn't suggest spending your charity money on children's charities, I mean, how easy is it to market sick kids? I'm sure they get their fair share. The only thing easier to sell might be giving puppies to children in hospitals. At least it isn't make a wish.

But, I recommend you send some money Jamie's way. He is a super nice guy, and the Barbra Bush Children's hospital does a lot of good.

this is about how I feel right now

I'm some kind of catfish!

So hiking half the Appalachian trail over the  next three to four months. It is entirely likely that I don't make it, but for now I am cautiously optimistic. It's a coinflip. (see how I tied that in to my new internet  handle?)


  1. You got this Boyes!! Have fun and be safe! I'll be watching this blog, so there had better be daily updates!! :) good luck!

  2. Always full of surprises! Be safe and have fun. Can't wait to see you in August.
