Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day 52

For those of you who don't believe that my parents live on an island with a tiny drawbridge that is run by a little old man on a tiny bicycle, well you are right, I guess he retired. But here are some pics of the island approach.

Now I just have to convince my parents to make a sailing blog this summer.


  1. I don't recall hearing about the little old man, but now I'm intrigued!! These pictures are pretty cute. I'm thinking we'll have to plan a trip to Maine to see the drawbridge some day!

  2. Great sadness that I will never witness the little old man and his bike. I am still not convinced this idyllic island exists. How do we know these pictures aren't something you randomly found on the internet, hmm?

  3. When you say tiny bicycle, how tiny are we talking?

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