Saturday, July 16, 2016

Day 63: I'm done! Yay!

Miles: -3

So last night after I posted I continued that line of thought. I didn't really do a serious "do I still want to be here?" Breakdown. I planned on doing that every 30 days. So doing it on day 6x seemed fine.

I feel fine with the choice to be done with the trail. Jamie said it sounded like I hit "the wall". I think the day in the swamp with the hurt leg, where I couldn't find a rock. That felt like the wall. A sort of insurmountable dread of continuing. The week of recovery sent me back to the trail healthy and in good enough spirits.

This last week on the trail was the typical mix of good and bad. I made it through the rest of mass into Vermont. Saw some beautiful scenery etc. But it wasn't exactly fun.

This didn't feel like the wall, just a good time to stop.

I think it was easier when Jamie was around. There was camaraderie and I could misery vampire pretty much at will. Hiking by myself had advantages, speed, being able to stop and just look at stuff. But it was also monotonous.

I feel like if I were young and able to run with a hiking bubble it would have been fun, making friends along the way. My pace and injury kept me from really spending more than a couple of days with any particular hikers. I would certainly recommend the AT for the young. And I am certainly not ruling out doing more sections in the future, I'm feeling good about getting off the trail right now. I'd rather spend this free time with friends and family. And playing games always has its appeal.

So is the blog done? I plan on hooking up with my parents as they are out sailing right now. So I think that will be interesting enough to blog about. I'll probably also blog gen con too. Maybe random stuff in between. So I'm not going to promise daily updates, but something will be here.

Now I'm going to watch reality tv at my brother's place and eat a blizzard.


  1. Stll, what an experience! I don't think the distance travelled really matters just the fact that you got to experience the Trail. Glad you're safely coming back home!

  2. Stll, what an experience! I don't think the distance travelled really matters just the fact that you got to experience the Trail. Glad you're safely coming back home!

  3. Sooo... Coinflip Dies in what now?

  4. So your decision to leave the trail and do more enjoyable stuff is definitely the right one, but I feel like you owe us all an essay on moss or some other plant that you had teased us with many miles back.
