Monday, July 11, 2016

Day 58: hiking!

Miles 16
Water: 3.x

It's amazing what a week off the trail can do. I put up a sixteen on mostly flat ground, a couple of 1000 foot climbs or descents. I'm pretty tired but not destroyed. I stopped in time to set up camp and eat dinner, even let myself get talked at for a while. Now I'm heading to bed at eight o clock which is when I usually try to get to sleep.

This is theoretically my goal state. Putting up 15s without feeling terrible afterward.  Honestly it probably only is possible because I took that time off. I'm not sure it would have happened if my feet started protesting at mile ten like they normally do. I guess I could take more pain relievers but I do try to limit those to one per day.

I guess I can tell you the contents of my meds bag. I'm like a pill scavenger taking whatever I can get. I have a bunch of genetic ibuprofen, some aleve, some tylenol PM, some allergy pills, some anti diarrhea and four mystery pain meds leftover from a friend's surgery. Those are just in case of newt-person attack.

Also included is a tube of triple antibiotic cream and a pair of nail clippers. Originally I had another bag with moleskin stuff for blisters, but I've found duct tape to be much easier to use and just as effective. Also I'm carrying alcohol for my stove that I could use in a pinch.

So far I've mostly just used the ibuprofen. The other stuff I've used once or twice at most.

I'm just doing ten miles tomorrow, so it should be a short day. Originally I was going to meet someone from board game geek in this area and get a shower and a game night in, but he is out of town this week. I'm pretty disappointed.


  1. Glad you dug the Dead Meadow, I really like those guys. Two or three more albums of them ahead of you.

    1. Oh, or maybe it was Earth, hmm... I'm trying to figure out what was on there and where you'd be based on the description.

  2. Sounds like the trail is welcoming you back!! Here's hoping the next few weeks are equally as enjoyable!
