Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Day IV: I'm so bad at this

Miles: 5.8 plus back tracking
Water: 1 l or so. But it was raining
Average dog based anything: 0

Im so bad at this, is a phrase that has entered the high traffic section of my vocabulary. I say it all the time. I'm pretty good at waking places slowly. Which is the main job, but all the ancillary tasks require a temperament that I don't naturally possess.

The key to a lot of this thing is staying organized, and having a plan. I'm cluttered in my personal space, so I misplace everything. My tooth brush in a rando pack pocket instead of my toiletries bag, I packed my trail guide in with my food. Now the guide smells unpleasantly like industrial garlic. I need to find a proper system.

You are required to unpack and repack everything essential every day. The high speed trail bros and lady bros are up and going in about 20 min or less. I'm closer to 40 min, cause I'm bad at this.

Today we saw the Washington monument. Not that crappy two toned Egyptian spire. The first monument to Washington. Made by the hands of the hard-working people of boonsville. Then allowed to fall into disrepair. Only to be rebuilt. Then allowed to creep into decrepitude, just to be rebuilt again, this time with a state park.

The monument is sweet, a stone tower with thick walls and a spiral staircase inside. I tried to pee of the top of it. But I got scared. So I peed off the lower deck instead. Moral victory.

Let's play identify this flower. It has a sweet leaf umbrella over a white blossom. First one to tell me what it is (because I don't know) gets a flower point. Flower points can only be redeemed for cheezits at a later date.


  1. it's one of those Star Trek flowers that makes you sleepy or shoots your face full of needles or makes you suddenly have inappropriate emotions even when you're an emotionless alien...

  2. it's one of those Star Trek flowers that makes you sleepy or shoots your face full of needles or makes you suddenly have inappropriate emotions even when you're an emotionless alien...

  3. Don't be so hard on yourself. Soon you too will be a seasoned professional.

  4. That monument is awesome! When was it built? I think the flower is a May Apple plant. I remember finding these for a middle school science project on wild flowers. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Seriously Miss Not outdoorsy gets the question before me. It is a May Apple. I will have to add that they have an amazing underground root system that connects them all. Jeff it looks like you are doing just great. You WILL adjust. I think you are a natural for this and I have met a lot of hikers.

  7. One flower point for kerrie. Gonna have to step up your game Tam.

  8. 3 days to your first town trip sounds perfectly normal to me--that's why I said I'd join this summer for about that long. And it definitely takes a little time to dial in what goes where and when it's the best time to boil water, etc., etc. You're doing great!

    I know your time-to-trail score is 40 minutes instead of 20 minutes right now... mine is currently clocking in at about 11 months. So don't go searching for reasons to criticize yourself! It's all good.

  9. I read that all of the may apple plant is toxic including the unripe fruit, but when the fruit ripens you can eat it. I wouldn't.
