Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Day 19: hope confirmed

Miles: 7
Water: 2l
Nerds: 3

Last night there were three college seniors that rolled into our camp. Friends since high school, they hike once a year together to stay in touch, all sweetness and candy, but they would not shut up! Endless anecdotes of times gone by, lots of big word jousting at one another, that hint of superiority when someone edged into their conversation, and the endless expert opinion of youth.

The one kid was extra annoying as his brain to mouth filter was completely disengaged. At one point he said "I just thought of something, but I realized it was boring, so I didn't say it."

I'm curious what the more boring thought was because it is hard to top that one.

We slept in the shelter, they talked all night. I didn't sleep great. More fuel for sleeping in the tent.

Then today we saw them all day. They effective triple handedly burned up my whole social meter. So I've been doing the crazed loner thing at camp tonight.

Good news though. The day I hiked sick, at the last shelter we stopped at before getting picked up by badger, we ran into two awesome older through hikers named old Fox and three jack. We chatted a while before leaving the camp to hit the road. I was such a zombie that day I left my awesome spoon, and my iPod at that shelter.

I had given the iPod up for lost, but I have been secretly holding out hope that 3 jack picked up the iPod. Well today we got passed up by old Fox,(he had left the trail for a few days), and be confirmed that 3 jack has the iPod! 3 jack is about 45 miles ahead of us. But he is off the trail for 3 days this week. So we might catch up a bit. Old Fox is passing my phone number along as well. So soon I will have radio and music again. I'm very excited about this.

We are gonna try to pull a long one tomorrow, wish us luck. 125 miles left in PA

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should have told the bros to get off your lawn? I hope you get the iPod back!! Also, there's a bug on your jacket. Good luck on the hike!!
