Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Day 32: f bomb


Jamie woke up this morning, his foot , the reason we took the first zero day, had not improved at all. Still evil pain across the top of his foot. So he went of to the clinic, two hours later it was x rays and one hour later, stress fracture and two to four weeks recovery time.

So Jamie is off the trail. This sucks.

I'm going to push on and see what happens. I've been joking that it was a coin flip that I make it, this is a lot closer to true now. I doubt I would have actually started if he hadn't agreed to come.  He has been a huge help. Who will I torment with terrible puns? Who will get me up on those mornings where I want to sleep in until ten? It's been great having someone to make plans with, to learn from horrible mistakes with.
Mostly it's just been awesome to share this experience with a friend.

This has got to be hard on jamie, breaking your foot is bad enough, as is cutting the trip short. But I know he is super committed to finishing for his extra life pledges. Plus all the people people from the hospital friends and family who are cheering him on. I know that they all support him still, but it has to be tough for him to not feel like he is letting them down. Which is of course totally ridiculous.

Wouldn't have gotten this far without you XL, and I look forward to seeing you again in Maine when I get there.


  1. Thinking about you a lot, please be safe out there alone.

  2. My #1 tip. Act crazy. Everyone leaves crazies alone. #2 tip. Ignore #1 tip. You be you. Will be fine. Hike safe. Have fun. Smell flowers.

  3. Man, this totally sucks, for both you and Jamie. Sending healing thoughts to Jamie. As for you, you've got this! Be safe, be smart and feel free to text those of us back home if you need anything. Best wishes!!

  4. Keep up the good work. You will meet people you can walk with. Hopefully

  5. Keep up the good work. You will meet people you can walk with. Hopefully
