Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 46: off again

So I talked to Jon last night, my medical professional, and he was all "get that girl from Holland to give you a leg massage, with oils and such. But seriously, get off the leg for a bit."

I was all "boo, angry noises, this is the worst."

Then I reminded myself of the priorities set at the start. Don't get hurt, have fun, get to Maine. Pushing through now would seem to violate the first two.

I called Jaime this morning again, and I'm off the trail until I'm more confident in the calf. After I called Jamie I went back into a depression sleep while everyone else trickled out of camp to push on toward the whites.

Don't know if I'm going to update every day while I'm off trail, just a heads up.


  1. Get some R&R. Feel better! Beer is curative!

  2. You made the right decision. Take care of yourself. Stay in touch. Love you!

  3. Hope you are pain free soon!!!

  4. Raising a glass of beer to you, sir!! Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. I'll definitely miss the daily updates, but it makes sense to take a break while you are off trail. Take it easy, friend!

  5. Awww Jeff forget heinzfeild is all the rest you need... Come back

    1. Begone foul demon! Speak not of such horrors!
